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Your data-driven operational effectiveness platform.

Efficiency Unleashed

Leveraging client data, Cognition optimizes operational effectiveness and efficiencies within the industrial and mobile markets. Harnessing the power of data-driven insights that go beyond what customers can generate independently. Cognition delivers prioritized, timely corrective course of actions with an intuitive, user-friendly approach, ensuring that end users can confidently and efficiently act upon the information provided. This proactive approach enhances uptime, minimizes downtime, and ultimately elevates overall operational effectiveness.

Increase Productivity, Improve Workflows

Cognition is a true co-pilot when it comes to keeping your assets in working order. Through its user-friendly interface, along with accessible alerts and reports, Cognition offers users a thoughtfully prioritized inventory of assets, accompanied by essential insights into those at risk of potential downtime. This prioritization enables employees to proactively address assets with the highest downtime risk systematically, ensuring effective preventive measures to avoid disruptions.


Cognition Applications

Asset Performance

Production Optimization 

Process Automation

Maintenance Prioritization

Condition-Based Maintenance

Predictive Maintenance

Making Your Data Work For You

Cognition's platform architecture is designed to efficiently integrate with customers’ data, whether hosted in the cloud or on-premises. Once integrated, prebuilt data analysis and model pipelines are readily available to extract data insights to enhance operational effectiveness. This architecture, when applicable, can seamlessly incorporate artificial intelligence and machine learning to further drive insights and actionable recommendations, delivering cost-effective improvements to maximize uptime and minimize downtime risks.

Success Stories

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